Por estar contigo

Blog personal de José Alfonso Pérez Martínez

"Estas líneas escribo,
únicamente por estar contigo"
(Luis Cernuda)

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2022

To the attention of the organizers of the Oscars' gala


Gentlemen in charge of organizing the Oscars' gala (awards of the Hollywood Film Academy):

I invite you to reflect and rectify accordingly after the unfortunate events that occurred at the gala this year 2022.

Mr. Will Smith's violent reaction to Chris Rock's joke about Will's wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, has rightly been condemned. But I wonder why you allow hurtful jokes about a person with a traumatic condition for women like alopecia in the first place? Such a joke is also a form of violence, and you allow it.

I would also like you to reflect on whether it is positive to show how two men (Josh Brolin and Jason Momoa) are groped. Is it right to give the message that men have no right to their dignity, not to be invaded in this way? Are only women to be protected from any form of sexual abuse?

For future editions of the gala I would like you to rectify and avoid any form of uncomfortable or violent behavior in the presenters and comedians. Neither film professionals deserve to feel violent or uncomfortable, nor do viewers deserve to feel embarrassed.

Without another particular I greet you sincerely.

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