Por estar contigo

Blog personal de José Alfonso Pérez Martínez

"Estas líneas escribo,
únicamente por estar contigo"
(Luis Cernuda)

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2024


1-) Trump can talk about anything for hours without having a piece of paper in front of him, as he did on Joe Rogan's podcast

2-) Trump knows how to create wealth. He inherited millions of dollars, yes, but he turned them into billions. The Trump Towers in New York or Chicago are huge, beautiful buildings where hundreds of companies and businesses are based, in which thousands of people work. Kamala is a socialist, and socialists, all over the world, only know how to destroy wealth. Not only that of the upper class, but also that of the middle and working classes.

3-) Trump knows how to use his rival's mistakes. If Kamala falsely says that she worked at McDonald's, he goes to a McDonald's to fry potatoes and serve customers. If Biden says that those who vote for Trump are trash, Trump dresses as a garbage collector and gets on a truck. You can't bring Trump down. Not even a bullet piercing his ear could do it.

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